WOLF Sports Network seeks to serve the University of West Georgia students and other community members with culturally transformative college radio, by teaching professional industry radio skills and knowledge to students in an experiential learning environment as a volunteer or for course credit. WOLF Sports Network is committed to serving humanity through quality sports radio programming that includes journalism, esports, play-by-play, active music, and student produced digital or on-air content. WOLF Sports Network seeks to be the connection between students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni, and the surrounding and global communities through an entertaining and interactive multimedia experience in a diverse and inclusive setting.
Our Vision
WOLF Sports Network has always adhered to the moniker “The Wolves Play Here!.” The station grows and changes with society through the valuable input of the college students that spend their time at WOLF Radio, in any capacity. All students have a voice and say in how this station grows and changes, no matter the ethnicity, religious creed, and/or sexual orientation. This station is only as valuable as its members, and it will continue to improve upon what has already been accomplished.